Recent content by MandelaTwo

  1. MandelaTwo

    Don't Blame The Blackmailed King

    Just blame me instead! Another women allowed entrance through the glass ceiling by a misogynisticly blackmailed bloke on the proviso that she dons the red jacket!
  2. MandelaTwo

    Weird Diplomacy

    Under Biden, there was no diplomacy at all, the whole world did what blackmailers NetinYeeha and Blinken told them to do, end of story. With Trump,it just seems like total madness, threats, counter threats, roll backs sanctions, no sanctions. Tariffs...or not. Epstein, JfK files or not! One...
  3. MandelaTwo

    Has It Started Already

  4. MandelaTwo

    The Ultimate Betrayal

    Is this the price that the blackmailed King is going to have to pay for America's silence about what they know about him and is that why he was threatening to release the Epstein files (but never did)? It's how he (Trump) works making threats to get his own way. Remember the so called King is...
  5. MandelaTwo

    Put The Caps Lock Off

    The Crash Continues.... ...still there's always Fort Knox and all that gold...assuming of course the Pro Israeli blackmailers (multi billionaires) haven't already cleaned it out!
  6. MandelaTwo

    Give It A Fu&*ing Rest

    Oh Yes, and the other 'usual suspect'! ...and who's her controlling misogynist, I wonder? ...Oh Yes!!!
  7. MandelaTwo

    Only Monsters Hold Onto Dead Bodies

    President Trump's cap locked words, not mine!
  8. MandelaTwo

    Give It A Fu&*ing Rest

    Yaaaaawwwwwwn!!!!! Pro Israeli bullies! Why's the misogynist not wearing a Santa Suit???? If he's not a misogynist (getting her to do the dirty work), then she is wearing the brightly coloured Pro Israeli trousers!
  9. MandelaTwo

    Put The Caps Lock Off

    Getting Quite serious now!
  10. MandelaTwo

    Has It Started Already

    So On BBC's Radio 4 main bulletin a newsreader who you can understand has confirmed that oil tanker was indeed carrying Jet fuel for the US military! Time for the US occupation forces to leave UK soil, first we MUST ditch the treacherous blackmailed Monarch
  11. MandelaTwo

    Has It Started Already

    WW2 style US divide and conquer hostilities between shamefully blackmailed UK and Europe? This Swedish owned but leased to the United States tanker was apparently carrying jet fuel when it was (cough) accidentally struck by a German Cargo ship. A cargo ship, not a U boat, but I CAN see the...
  12. MandelaTwo

    Put The Caps Lock Off

    Oh dear, the stock markets are crashing again! What HAS he been saying now? When you are the head of the world's biggest economy, you really need to think carefully about what you say and stop blurting out (mostly threats) on social media with the caps lock on!
  13. MandelaTwo

    Evil Or Inhumane?

    When I was enforceably made homeless and in Perth, there was no water source near my forest, only one half way down the hill to Tescos where I would otherwise buy bottled water. To avoid this I would take empty bottles to the spring and fill them up, it is water that runs off a mountain and is...
  14. MandelaTwo

    Evil Or Inhumane?

    I would say both! There is no other way of describing Israel's treatment of Palestinian civilians, just to give them a better hand at the negotiating table. This is not electricity for Hamas to power the tools needed to turn all Israel's unexploded bombs into, well exploded bombs., no this is...
  15. MandelaTwo

    COVID Again

    Another variant? Not had it for ages, were they waiting until my immunity fades? I will tell you the exact date they gave it to me Wednesday 19th February or if you like 18 days ago, the usual symptoms (fever mild but annoying breathing issues) peaked yesterday (day 17) today much better. So...