Am I Agreeing With This Guy


Staff member
Surely not? Although my views on why UK participation in the European invasion of 1944 are well known and if I had been around then I would have been politically opposed to it. However, if I was a young conscript, I would be fighting for my Country without thought to the rights or wrongs. The soldiers that we all depend upon have to do what their political masters tell them to do, whether right or wrong. So for Sanook NOT to fully respect what our brave soldiers did without question is unforgivable.

Not so sure about letting down the King though, he has sold us all down the river to protect his and or his Families dark secrets. It is why this blackmail mess needs sorting before otherwise loyal soldiers decide not to put their life on the line for a treacherous blackmailed Monarch! There are already recruitment issues in the armed forces, people are not as stupid as you may think! They may not (like me) know exactly what's going on but they know something's going on.

I am taking as someone who not only has had the Security Services deployed against me but who has also had the military (SAS) deployed against me by corrupt politicians doing the dirty work of blackmailed Royals.

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