So yesterday, I sent an email to almost every newly elected (or is that selected?) MSP from all parties with the above guest message about my predicament and their (MSP's) predicament about fixed elections with links to this site, my site and my ex twitter link.
Shortly after I got three or four visits on both my sites from what I know to be scraper websites. Fot those that don't know, scrapers if you like scrape a website, downloading every web page so that their client or clients don't need to visit the site personally.
Anyway, my other site contains an article about how the Irish state tried (and nearly succeeded) to murder me, not sure assassinate is the right word here, in an effort to stop Brexit happening.
This morning on the news, I hear that the Irish have been hit by a massive cyber attack over night! However, I am sure it is only a coincidence despite me not believing in coincidences.
Shortly after I got three or four visits on both my sites from what I know to be scraper websites. Fot those that don't know, scrapers if you like scrape a website, downloading every web page so that their client or clients don't need to visit the site personally.
Anyway, my other site contains an article about how the Irish state tried (and nearly succeeded) to murder me, not sure assassinate is the right word here, in an effort to stop Brexit happening.
This morning on the news, I hear that the Irish have been hit by a massive cyber attack over night! However, I am sure it is only a coincidence despite me not believing in coincidences.