As Crooked As Himself.


Staff member
He's awarded himself so many unearned medals that he can't get them to sit straight. I mean what battles has he fought or how many heroic deeds did he do to earn them? Apart of course from using State institutions and corrupt stooge politicians to attack, imprison and poison a defenceless citizen on behalf of his blackmailers. there ain't no glory in that!

Oh yes and does he really have cancer? I don't believe it for a single minute. If he did, he wouldn't tell us as because he did, he is for ever known as the 'cancer stricken King' I am sure it is his (preferable to abdication or scandal) 'get out' card. I just wish he'd hurry up and play it! If you think that's cold and heartless, just try stepping in my shoes for a few months, never mind endless years. It's me or him! I choose me.
He and his relatives have allowed Israel to totally take over this Country through their blackmail with the Conservative friends of Israel and Straw, Hodge, Levy Millibands, Mandelson and co before then. He is a traitor who has betrayed this Country on behalf of his Families blackmail secrets and he HAS to go one way or another. The Princess of Tel-Aviv issue just complicates things even more!
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