Yesterday I moved this site and my others to a new sever with a different hosting panel and to my amazement this site and the others started getting crawled by googlebot but after a couple of hours it all stopped and things were back to normal with next to no crawl activity by google.
Which as far as I am concerned just proves that the criminals at google are manually preventing my lawful websites getting crawled so that with this site, I can't let the world know what their so called leaders are really getting up to and on my other sites it is just a continuation of my isolation, making sure I can not communicate with anyone about any subject, making it seem like I am just wasting my time and my money but actually not really as their is not much else to do with your time when you are imprisoned in solitary confinement in a small flat with all your curtains permanently closed and while these criminals are censuring me, not many people (apart from my enemies) will know what is happening to me, I still think that is worthwhile keeping a record.
Which as far as I am concerned just proves that the criminals at google are manually preventing my lawful websites getting crawled so that with this site, I can't let the world know what their so called leaders are really getting up to and on my other sites it is just a continuation of my isolation, making sure I can not communicate with anyone about any subject, making it seem like I am just wasting my time and my money but actually not really as their is not much else to do with your time when you are imprisoned in solitary confinement in a small flat with all your curtains permanently closed and while these criminals are censuring me, not many people (apart from my enemies) will know what is happening to me, I still think that is worthwhile keeping a record.