...it seems I have had these powers (to fix elections) since way back to at least John Major, if not Thatcher looking back at how long I have clearly been under state surveillance and how long the sad fitmeup games (to get the powers cancelled) have been getting played, including around the year 2000 when I was actually convicted of assaulting an antagonist who was deliberately trying to provoke me outside where I was under surveillance. Our altercation actually happened in the close with no witnesses but a perjurer told the court that she witnessed it happening outside which was good enough for the judge but not for (presumably) for P. Charles as the surveillance team had no evidence and my powers remained despite the (miscaraige of Justice) conviction. Anyway it means I am responsible for John Major's removal and Tony (fucking) Blair's landslide. I assume there must have been a lot of tension between P. Charles and his blackmailed parents when he was forced to remove the Tory (Pro EU) stooge Major and replace him with Blair. Then he was stuck with (equally pro EU stooge) Blair as the Tories were electing idiots as leaders so he had no alternative but to leave Blair in power then it really went pear shaped when the SNP started blackmailing and got into power and Brown took over mid term and granted the SNP a referendum order. Then of course it got really bad for me as I was now needed to remove Brown and deny Salmond independence....Then just when I thought things couldn't get worse for me...Brexit. A lot has been asked of me and despite huge odds, I have done the business but somehow I still don't feel appreciated.
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