21st April 2021
So, I had a bit of work to do on my computer so I never bothered putting my stereo on this afternoon like I usually do. Wasn’t long though before Herr Sturgeon hired someone to stand outside my front window with a dog and just continuously (presumably) squeeze it’s *&(% so that it barks and squeals all the time.
They must think I am so easily irritated that a fucking dog is going to annoy me so that I do who knows what?
When in reality I am quietly content in the knowledge that I will soon be able to F*&k Nicola Sturgeon. Metaphorically speaking of course, Yuch.
So, I had a bit of work to do on my computer so I never bothered putting my stereo on this afternoon like I usually do. Wasn’t long though before Herr Sturgeon hired someone to stand outside my front window with a dog and just continuously (presumably) squeeze it’s *&(% so that it barks and squeals all the time.
They must think I am so easily irritated that a fucking dog is going to annoy me so that I do who knows what?
When in reality I am quietly content in the knowledge that I will soon be able to F*&k Nicola Sturgeon. Metaphorically speaking of course, Yuch.