So, I went to the bog for a piss and unfortunately despite taking countermeasures, I still somehow managed to trip the motion sensor that turns the close light on.
Half way through my piss, someone fired a firework towards my toilet window.
Looks like little shit Sturgeon is back from her holidays!
...and all this while pro Israeli blackmailer (and hypocrite) Dominic (how many Dominics are there?) Rabb condemns (Israel's not Britain's enemy) Iran for torturing it's citizens!
Half way through my piss, someone fired a firework towards my toilet window.
Looks like little shit Sturgeon is back from her holidays!
...and all this while pro Israeli blackmailer (and hypocrite) Dominic (how many Dominics are there?) Rabb condemns (Israel's not Britain's enemy) Iran for torturing it's citizens!