As stories emerge about P&O ferries helplessly adrift in the sea because this Country can no longer afford to hire staff to run and maintain them, the chancellor decides to confirm my earlier grim predictions by saying this "Chancellor warns homeowners mortgage payments could rise by more than £1,000 as interest rates increase to 2.5 per cent over next year" What he chooses not to disclose is how much extra (in billions) the British tax payers will have to pay in interest for his needless borrowing to fund the deliberately man made COVID pandemic, my incarceration and 24/7 surveillance (probably the most extreme in the world), Zelenskky (or something's) war and of course more than a decade of incompetence, mismanagement, bufoonary and pocket lining by the unelected Tory dictatorship. Most of which was under the financial stewardship of pro Israeli blackmailer Gideon Osbourne (or something)
...and all because of a blackmailed Battenburg (or two)
...and all because of a blackmailed Battenburg (or two)
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