Stop Taking Israel's word


Staff member gospel. Israel said that their citizens got 'raped' on October the 7th but are still refusing the UN (international community) permission to do an independent investigation. Then they said (without proof) that the UN agency UNWRA was involved in that attack and most rich Countries cut funding. The claims are now proved to be false and most (except US) are funding again. Now Israel and the US (without providing evidence) says Hezbollah carried out that attack when it's not in their interest (Hezbollah) to do so. In fact, you can argue that it is in Israel's (warmongering) interest. There needs to be an independent UN investigation into that (and other) incidences. Most of all there needs to be an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza!

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The International community is totally impotent, while the US & UK remain in that Countries blackmail grasp! Lets hope that Kamala Harris really is a breath of US fresh air and that the (real) UK authorities know what they are doing with regards to the conservative and Labour (blackmail) friends of Israel. Both those organisations NEED to be outlawed under the terrorism act but that is just not possible while the Labour 'friends' are in power!
The Tories are mostly cleared of 'friends' thanks to my election massacre but not completely, there are at least three vying for the Tory leadership in Jenrick, that guy with the strange name that ends in hat and of course (not so) Pritti Pattel. With worst of all Cruella Braverman lurking somewhere.