The Only Part Of Net Zero Propaganda


Staff member
...that is true is the fact that Israel would get 100% of the oil after 2030 and we would get zero%!

As Tory ex minister Zac Goldsmith (or something) says Sanook should call a general election now so that Blair and his Pro Israeli 'friendly' donors in the Labour party can re-instate his net zero policy.

It is I who has consistently called for these self imposed but economically suicidal so called green policies to be amended so that pollution can be reduced without harming the economy. Seems strange that Sanook would start listening to me and start implementing policies that are against the wishes of the likes of Goldsmith (or something)!!!

Although I have to say my proposals to ban the sale of new highly polluting diesel cars ASAP and completely lift the ban on the sale of less polluting petrol vehicles, while encouraging the use of Electric cars in towns and Cities is a lot smarter than his kicking the can down the road policy!
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Not only is petrol less polluting than diesel but petrol and especially gas are also greener as they are mostly hydrogen (hydrocarbons), which turns to water when burned and is why you see water dribbling from a (petrol) car's exhaust on a cold morning (otherwise it's steam) and you need a water drain pipe in a gas boiler. The chemical formula for Gas (Methane) is CH4 (4 parts hydrogen to one part Carbon), it is the hydrogen that causes gas (and petrol) to evaporate as Carbon is a solid. Petrol is (roughly) CH2
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More proof that Pro Israeli blackmailers are trying to curb the UK's use of fossil fuels under a 'green' guise!

Ed Milliband (or something) set the so called green ball (with Israel written all over it) rolling way back in 2008...and guess what? He was (and still is) Labour. not Tory...and there lies our seemingly impossible dilemma, with (blackmailed) Charles Battenburg in control of the Tory party and (blackmailed over Diana) Tony (fucking) Blair in charge of Labour, there is only ONE solution to this problem, tell the truth about Diana and the role, Bliar, the Battnburgs and the French played in her murder! We owe her that much! Pro (blackmailed) Battenburg Tory MP's plot to block Sanook's extension to the (Israeli) imposed 2030 deadline!
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So who are the real powers that be going to gift these by-election seats to next month? Sanook for 'appearing' to stand up to the blackmailers over net 0 or Tony Blair's Labour party, hell bent on reversing Brexit? Remember Sanook can be replaced by (blackmailed) Battenburg's Tory MP's at the drop of a hat if he really is challenging the blackmailers rather than just cynically trying to hang on to these by-election seats!
So this is what I proposed moire than a year ago, no point in saying it all again!

Do I not get some kind of credit or acknowledgement for the proposals I made back then getting implemented now? What about phasing out diesel cars (not yet a practical alternative to diesel for HGV's on long journey's) that really do pollute and encouraging non polluting electric vehicles (through tax incentives) to only be used in towns?
