On today's BBC Propaganda slot they had a piece asking if too many people think they are special when in actual fact they are just average. Idiots, that is not what average means. If most people were special then they would be average? Anyway I don't care about the rhetoric from the proagandists, I stand by my claim that less than 1% of the population would be able to tolerate what I have been subjected to over the last six or seven years never mind a whole lifetime. There is nothing average about that!!
Also the average Joe (or Joelene) can not claim to have changed the course of history several times over!!!
Cameron instead of Brown
The UK stays intact instaed of Scottish Independence.
Sturgeon instead of Salmond
Brexit would never have happened in a million years if not for yours truly.
May instead of Cameron.
Boris the Baffoon instead of not so strong and stable May.
Not over yet, watch this space average people!
Also the average Joe (or Joelene) can not claim to have changed the course of history several times over!!!
Cameron instead of Brown
The UK stays intact instaed of Scottish Independence.
Sturgeon instead of Salmond
Brexit would never have happened in a million years if not for yours truly.
May instead of Cameron.
Boris the Baffoon instead of not so strong and stable May.
Not over yet, watch this space average people!