They Just Never Learn


Staff member
I thought you would have figured out by now Mrs May that you can not put words (or anything else) in my mouth. I will say what I think needs to be said and not what you want me to say. Indeed if you speak, I fully expect to have the opposite view to you and if I do not, I start wondering why and that is what I did today.

You appear to be aiming your guns at Biden? I am not frightened to critisise biden (or anyone) if they are attacking me or in my opinion aiding and abetting the blackmailers who attack me. eg, I did speak up when he failed to condemn Israel when they started bombing the Palestinians and I did of course (as you know) speak out against the decision to pull out of Afghanistan as I believe it is a precurser to bombing Iran, but I ain't no parrot. no point in repeating myself. In any event Biden is a thousand times more preferable to the guy that you used to hold hands with Mrs May? Under normal circumstances you would be too shit scared to say that about a US president but these are not normal times are they Mrs May? Me I will continue to gather data before forming an opinion at about today's 'game'!

There is always a reason for Newness reading the news the day before, seems to me you are being a bit obvious but hey, if I'm up against people with the mentality of children then so be it.
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