An election called by a Conservative party that is more than 20 points behind in the polls when they did not (legally) need to call it until next January? Israel's enemy Iran calls elections (by their methods) for late June. Israel's Gantz quits war cabinet, leaving alleged war criminal NetinYeeha dependent on (fellow) extremists.
Now France, the other Country blackmailed (IMO) by Israel over the role they played in princess Diana's murder has called an election (a year early) for July 7th (just after ours). Belgium PM has Quit? Then there is the battle of the crazy Geriatrics (Trump 77 Biden 80 odds) in November!
Now France, the other Country blackmailed (IMO) by Israel over the role they played in princess Diana's murder has called an election (a year early) for July 7th (just after ours). Belgium PM has Quit? Then there is the battle of the crazy Geriatrics (Trump 77 Biden 80 odds) in November!
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