After years of backing Ukraine's Jewish leader Zelensky in his fight with Russia, voting on multiple UN resolutions condemning Russia's alleged aggression, yesterday Europe tabled another motion at the UN condemning Ruusia. The non binding motion passed but who voted against it? Obviously Russia did but who else? Yes, the US, Israel Belarus and North Korea!
Has Trump (and Israel) decided to support Russian efforts to destabilise Europe?
Russia must surely realise that Europe would make a better friend and trading partner than an enemy. No disrespect to Russia but they may be a match for Ukraine but they are no match for the whole of Europe. Indeed Germany would have cuffed them on their own during WW2 had they not been fighting the UK and US at the same time.
Has Trump (and Israel) decided to support Russian efforts to destabilise Europe?
Russia must surely realise that Europe would make a better friend and trading partner than an enemy. No disrespect to Russia but they may be a match for Ukraine but they are no match for the whole of Europe. Indeed Germany would have cuffed them on their own during WW2 had they not been fighting the UK and US at the same time.
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