You Can't Defeat Hamas


Staff member
...with bullets and bombs. That's because Hamas is a militant Political ideology, formed to counter the brutal military occupation of their lands by Israel. As long as the occupation exists, Hamas will exist. Israel may kill some leaders and some fighters but they will always be replaced and the fight (against the occupation) will continue.

The only way to defeat Hamas is to make it irrelevant and the only way to do that is to end the occupation, allow the ever suffering Palestinians the dignity of having their own State. Then, assuming no occupation, sanctions, blockades or other oppressive measures by Israel, Hamas will no longer be relevant and a peaceful civilian Palestinian administration would be formed.

It is the Israeli illegal occupation and criminal desire to annex more and more Palestinian land that is the problem, not Hamas! It is this criminal desire by Israel that has thwarted all attempts at a two State solution. Israel will NEVER agree to it and the International Community, which America is only part of (not the whole of) must force Israel into a deal!

Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 16-36-28 LIVE Israel’s Netanyahu meets Rubio as Gaza suffers water sh...png
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