Greatest War Monger In History


Staff member
Try as he might, NetinYeeha will struggle to surpass this warmongering blackmailer's stooge and unconvicted war criminal (Dresden)! Winners rarely do (get convicted)

It's crap how these warmongering criminals can be hailed as Hero's.Millions of brave young British (and German) soldiers and civilians on his (if he had one) conscience!

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11-24-26 UK Home Daily Mail Online.png
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Oh yes, I forgot about the other unconvicted war criminals Roosevelt and especially Truman who between them......

The only difference between Dresden and Nagasaki, Hiroshima was the types of weapons available to those crazed war criminals. The (evil) intent was exactly the same. As of course was the London Blitz. So who was the biggest crackpot???

No more Heros anymore indeed!
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The thing I find most disturbing about Dresden and the Japanese Cities is that both Countries were militarily defeated by the time those civilian populated Cities were mercilessly bombed! As if to say, we are evil as f*cfk and if you mess with us...