Lets take China and tariffs for an example. I have heard other people say (without being too disrespectful) that the American workforce is a bit on the plus size and some other people (not me) even say they are a bit lazy, while at the same time expect a high standard of living and the high wages that enables it. meanwhile in China, the massive workforce work their butts off for a low wage and because there are so many, if you don't want to work for a low wage, others will. the result is low cost goods that Americans can get for cheaper than made in America stuff. Along comes Trump and imposes Tariffs so American Consumers can no longer get cheap Chinese goods leaving the only option of making it themselves for what some might say is slave wages, but will they????
You have to make stuff that people want because of quality like eg Ferrari BMW Rolls Royce Bosch etc or because it's cheap, like with China, you can't force people to buy what they don't want or what they can't afford!