The Spencers Vs The Battenburgs


Staff member
...or if you like Harry vs Andrew! Once you take William and his illegitimate (for our Monarchy) children out of the equation, it only leaves two contenders. I know who I'd prefer. I have nothing personal against Andrew but you know, he's a Battenburg and as they say blood's thicker than water, he will always take their side. As a life long Battenburg victim, sorry they ALL have to go.

I feel sorry for William too but he was duped by the Battenburgs in the (false) hope of shoehorning Andrew in. He (William) tried to take me out with his PO (unforgivable) so attention has to turn to Harry or the Monarchy is doomed!

The House of Battenburg is finished (soon as you know who's evicted). Long live the House of Spencers.

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